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Frequently Asked Questions

Which protocols does LanceX support?

You can find it at Protocols and Transports, notice that it may be updated with the app upgrades.

It starts but I could not access anything

Check the proxy setting again, some mistakes may be found on the self check but some may not, and also check your proxy server using another tool to make sure it’s available.

If you could not find the reason, enable the Logging in the About, start the proxy, reproduce the problem, and then Feedback the log to us.

Import from clipboard or qrcode is not working

There are lots of URI and QRCode formats. Currently we only follow the most common ones. We will do our best to make it compatible with more formats, so tell us the URI format rule or how and where was it generated, it will be supported if common enough.

Now we support

  • shadowsocks
    • ss://method:password@hostname:port#TAG
  • socks5
    • socks://user:password@hostname:port#TAG
    • socks5://user:password@hostname:port#TAG
    • socks://BASE64-ENCODED-STRING-WITHOUT-PADDING#TAG (Export style)
  • trojan
    • trojan://password@hostname:port#TAG
    • trojan://BASE64-ENCODED-STRING-WITHOUT-PADDING#TAG (Export style)
    • trojan-go://password@hostname:port?PARAMS#TAG
  • vmess
    • vmess://method:uuid@hostname:port#TAG
    • vmess://BASE64-ENCODED-STRING-WITHOUT-PADDING#TAG (Export style)
  • http
    • http://user:password@hostname:port#TAG (Export style)
    • https://user:password@hostname:port#TAG (Export style)

Are there any logs so that I can see what’s wrong

Yes, turn on the Logging in the Setting , start the proxy, and then you may find the logs, it keeps the last 10 times of the running.

I’d like to report some bugs or give some suggestions

Feedback is important to us, feel free to contact us.

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What is “Lock Subscription”

There is an option in the subscription called ‘Lock’.

A locked subscription means that there are certain limitations on modifying and sharing it.

  1. You cannot view or modify the details of a locked subscription, but you can delete it.
  2. You cannot share a locked subscription unless you have the password for the lock.
  3. When sharing a locked subscription, you have two options: either requiring a password to import or allowing anyone to import it.

Please note that locking a subscription is a feature exclusive to LanceX. You cannot share the URL with applications other than LanceX.

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What’s “Prefer Hostname”?

There is an option in Rule -> Advance named Prefer Hostname. That’s allow the proxy to determine the IP instead of local result.

For example, when you want to access, and it does not match any domain directives in the rules, it will be resolved by the local DNS. If the IP result matches an IP directive with the target set to PROXY, it will pass to the proxy instead of using the locally resolved IP, provided that you have enabled this feature.

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Proxy Provider

What is a Proxy Provider?

A Proxy Provider is an engine used to determine which proxy is used for the current network flow.

In LanceX, the Proxy Provider chooses a proxy exclusively based on a Regular Expression. This allows for dynamic updates when adding or removing proxies.

Additionally, a Proxy Provider can be embedded within another Proxy Provider, forming a tree map structure.

What are the types of Proxy Provider?

There are four types of Proxy Provider:

  1. select: This type allows manual selection of a proxy. However, please note that it may not be accurate if your proxies change.
  2. fallback: This type selects proxies in a sequential order. If the current proxy is down or times out, the next one in line will be used.
  3. load_balance: This type efficiently distributes incoming network traffic across a group of proxies.
  4. url-test: This type selects the proxy to be used by benchmarking the speed to a specific URL.

How to set Proxy Provider?

There are two ways to set Proxy Provider:

  1. You can set it globally in Rule > Advance > Default Proxy Parameter. All routes matching PROXY will use the Proxy Provider. Please note that if you set this, the proxy you selected in Proxy View will not affect the connection, and the proxy details in the Control Panel will also change based on the Proxy Provider results.
  2. You can also set it for individual rules. When you change a rule’s target to PROXY, you can choose a Proxy Provider.
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What’s “Prepend Script”?

There is an option in Rule -> Advance named Prepend Script. The script you put in will be triggered together with other scripts each time.

So you can:

  • Add some code to debug.
  • Enhance the script ability.
  • Add some util libraries.
  • Although we support most of the APIs, some of the scripts use global variables to check the App type, so we can pretend as other runtime, for example Rocket(
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Where can I buy …?

Where can I buy LanceX?

The only way to purchase it is from the Apple Store.

Where can I buy a server?

Please seek suggestions from people in your country. The situation varies between countries, and the servers suggested or provided by others may not meet your specific requirements. Of course, if possible, building it yourself is always a good option.

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You can use JavaScript to extend the ability of LanceX.

Public API

$done() function

Since all scripts run asynchronously, $done() should be called to indicate completion, even for scripts that do not require results. Otherwise, the script will print a warning due to a timeout.

Basic Information

  • $lancex

The object means that you are in the environment of LanceX.

Persistent Store

  • $persistentStore.write(data<String>, [key<String>])

Save data permanently. Only a string is allowed

  • $[key<String>])

Get the saved data. Return a string or null.

Http Request

  • $<String> or options<Object>, callback<Function>)

Start an HTTP POST request. The first parameter can be a URL or object. An example object may look like that.

    url: "",
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: "{}",
    timeout: 5,
    callback: callback(error, response, data) {


The url is always required. body can be a string or object. When presenting an object, it is encoded to JSON string, and the Content-Type is set to application/json automatically.

Similar function: $httpClient.get, $httpClient.put$httpClient.delete, $httpClient.head, $httpClient.options, $httpClient.patch.

  • fetch(URL<String>, options<Object>)

It’s an implementation of Fetch API, for example

    method: "POST",
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: "{}"


  • console.log(message<String>)

Log to LanceX logfile. Similar function: console.warn, console.error,

  • setTimeout(function[, delay])

Same as the setTimeout in browsers. Similar function: setInterval.

  • $<String>, subtitle<String>, body<String>, info<Object>)

Post a notification. Please turn on Allow Notifications before using it. info allows you to open a url when user clicks the notification. For example:

   "open-url" : ""
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Priority of Rules

I have a lot of rules, what is their priority?

Module first, domain directives have the following priority: DOMAIN > DOMAIN-SUFFIX > DOMAIN-KEYWORD. IP directives have the following priority: CIDR > GEO IP. If multiple rules are hit at the same time, for performance reasons, the current strategy is to select one at random.